The Indie Scene in the 90s Part 1
The scene for music was quite different in the early 90s, internet was in its infancy, boy bands and cookie cutter pop teen divas were produced as quickly as they could be consumed in the popular media. Different music needed a different outlet and that is where local venues and college radio propelled any acts that dared to go against the true and tried formula for popular success. After all, this was the era where CDs were sold in record amounts, where entire businesses thrived on selling this weeks #1 plastic champion.
Independent record labels like SubPop and Merge really gained traction in the early 90s and signed acts that sounded different then the mainstream while contributing to the distinct 90s indie sound. A bit of the crunchy guitars, a dash of punk/grunge influences, unique instrument use, and anything but refined vocals contributed to the new sound.
Indie giants like Pavement, Sebadoh, Superchunk ruled these college airwaves and with the advent of the internet have received critical acclaim and cult followers.
Rather than explain the in's and out's of all of the great independent artists that came from this era, I will be making a three part playlist displaying distinct works and sounds from the era.
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