Humpday Covers Presents: The Bad Plus
The Bad Plus are a post-bop jazz trio hailing from Minneapolis, MN that I have been listening to since 2003. They have carved a unique niche in the jazz industry of today where they have revived the tradition of playing standards in jazzy renditions. When it comes to the remaking of these modern day standards I'm not talking about the Radiohead covers that every jazz artist and their mom have done, but a wide range of music that spans from artists like Aphex Twin to Neil Young to Yes back over to The Bee Gees. I just recently got a hold of their February release, For All I Care, which is an album exclusively filled with covers and the addition of vocals by the dark and daunting Wendy Lewis.
While these covers are fascinating by the nature they are presented I would also like to advertise the group's original songs too. Reid Anderson, David King, and Ethan Iverson each are great composers and have some of the most kick ass identities on their instruments that I know in music. I'll throw up a cover and original to give you a taste of their full capacity.
The Bad Plus - Anthem For The Earnest
The Bad Plus - Velouria (Pixies Cover)
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