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Concert Review: Black Moth Super Rainbow 8/3/09
Black Moth Super Rainbow continued with another night of psychedelic folk-pop in their east coast tour of the US at Carrboro's very own Local 506. Opening for BMSR was Chicago experimental hip hop duo, Serengeti and Polyphonic. Their performance wasn't really something to write home about. Due to Serengeti's sloppy composure on stage, there was no ebb and flow to the songs and resulted in a 20 minute set with very little crowd reaction. This was a bit of a let down because some of the recorded stuff I listened to before the show wasn't too bad.After a break longer than the opener's set, Black Moth Super Rainbow were introduced by a video on a projection screen in front of the band. The
first part of the video is an interview with Tobacco discussing the sound of Black Moth Super Rainbow, his passion for Creed, and other tid bits along the way. The second(start at 26 second mark since this is a different show) part of the video calling BMSR fans douche bags then an appearance from Eric of Tim and Eric Awesome Show to reclaim the pride of said fans. Following this were several trippy videos of melting people, quirky puppets, and various animal carcasses for tracks including Melt Me and Sun Lips. The band was revealed after several songs and continued to get down to business throughout the night. The beginning of this show was fantastic, but BMSR lost some of their flow midway through the show shortly after playing Twin of Myself and never really gained it back completely. An encore followed with Tobacco sweetly bitching at aggressive fans, Mariah Carey covers, and people grooving on stage to bring the night to an interesting close. All in all it was a very entertaining in quality show even though there were lapses in flow along the way.Black Moth Super Rainbow - Born On A Day The Sun Didn't Risebuy Black Moth Super Rainbow
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