Arcade Fire supports Partners in Health

As mentioned in the previous post, indie outlet Arcade Fire have strong ties with the island nation of Haiti. Looks like they also support Partners in Health, too. The following is a statement released by Régine Chassagne and husband Win Butler, the founding members of Arcade Fire:


Haiti needs your help in her darkest hour.

We just got off the phone with our friends at Partners in Health. Most of the medical infrastructure in Port-au-Prince is down.

Since Partners in Health's clinics are in situated the surrounding areas and haven't been damaged, they are mobilizing their resources towards the capital, setting-up field hospitals to treat the injured on the ground.

Also, Paul Farmer (the founder of PIH) is at the UN and has access to the best information on where to direct the money... so for the moment if you want to help, we suggest sending funds to:



Please be generous as time is of the essence.

Win and Regine

these photos convey some of what is going on:


Great to know the support is this widespread. Also, check out this post I wrote almost a year ago about Dr. Farmer.


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