Sunday Shuffle: School of Fish

It's time for another Sunday Shuffle!

This week my iTunes shuffle blessed us all with a 90's alternative gem. This week's Sunday Shuffle is Three Strange Days by School of Fish.

You may have never heard of School of Fish but I guarantee that you probably know some of the people in this 90's alternative band.
Guitarist Michael Ward is now a member of the Wallflowers and drummer Chad Fischer formed the band Lazlo Bane (Which is popularly known for the theme song from the hit TV show Scrubs)

You may start to fall in love with this band, especially if you are a 90's child. However, don't get your hopes up to catch School of Fish in a reunion tour. Unfortunately the lead singer for School of Fish died in 2000 due to testicular cancer, thus any chance for a reunion tour has been disbanded.

Take a good hard listen and enjoy all things 90's Alternative.

School of Fish - 3 Strange Days

buy School of Fish


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