Backtracking 3/8-3/15

Here's what I've been listening to this past week...

Of Note

So, I was away at a retreat where electronics were not allowed for most of the week, hence the small numbers. However, I was in charge of organizing the music for the retreat, so a number of these bands have to do with that retreat. The Indigo Girls' "Closer to Fine" was used by one of the other retreat leaders, and I actually found myself really enjoying that track..

My songs were "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve and "Fight Test" by The Flaming Lips. I guess it was sort of a "you had to be there" type thing to understand why I chose those those tracks, but nonetheless they are worth listening to. Especially Fight Test.

This week I FINALLY listened to Eli and picked up some Frightened Rabbit. Their CD, The Midnight Organ Fight, is everything that it is hyped up to be. Their sound isn't necessarily unique, but their Scottish accents sure as hell add something different. On the retreat, one of my friends explained to the group how he was working on his Backwards Walk. At the time I didn't get the reference. Now I do.

Update: Link to Flaming Lips Song was fixed.

buy Flaming Lips


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